A few days ago, prominent Lebanese astrologist Maguy Farah released her 2021 expectations for all Zodiac signs. Here are Farah’s expectations for the Gemini, and Cancer people:
In general, this year for Gemini is the year of ambition and shining. You, Gemini guys may get your charisma back. Gemini friends, you may be one of the most fortunate people.
January, February, and March, the people of Gemini may have a lot of achievements. On the other hand, you could have a critical phase between May and July due to the position of Jupiter, also you may face some medical issues.
Also, the position of Venus in Aquarius may affect your feelings, therefore, you may have some romantic surprises in February or March. On the other hand, you may have a new partner in August or September.
Moreover, you may reach your goals and be more motivated at the end of the year. You may experience the exciting trips you missed.
Don't forget that this year could be a special chance for you to widen your horizons and open the door for more relationships.
Dear Cancer brothers and sisters, 2021 for you may be the year of healing. You may have a new phase in your life. 2020 was a hard year for you, so here is the gift for your patience.
Your best period may start in February, you may have a new place, new job, or travel to a new destination.
The position of Jupiter in Pisces may strengthen your stand between the other zodiac signs.
Summer heat may motivate you and give you the positive energy you need. New goals and achievements may meet you in your way.
September and October may carry some unpleasant surprises for you. On the other hand, November may ease your burdens and worries.
Don't forget that the phase Jupiter will spend in Pisces could be your most flourishing period this year.
Also, Venus in the Pisces may enhance your romantic mood and it may surprise you with your partner between April and May.