Derna, a city situated in eastern Libya, has faced the harrowing aftermath of Hurricane Daniel, with stark visuals of its devastation surfacing on Wednesday via the Libyan Army's official media channels. The footage paints a grim picture: a city once vibrant, now submerged in ruins, evoking deep-rooted sorrow among the Libyan populace.
As the footage delineated, the Libyan National Army has marked a pronounced presence across the hurricane-hit zones, undertaking rigorous search and rescue operations. Their mission, albeit challenging, is focused on uncovering the bodies of the deceased from the wreckage.
Tragic figures have emerged in the storm's wake: over 7,000 lives lost, and more than 10,000 individuals unaccounted for, predominantly from Derna. Hurricane Daniel's fury, which recently swept across the Green Mountain region, has prompted substantial relief measures. Alongside the Libyan Army's proactive involvement, several entities like the security apparatus and the Libyan Red Crescent are in full force, offering their assistance, a trusted source disclosed to "El Youm El Sabeh."
The same source underlined the pressing needs of the moment: Libya's urgent requirement for logistical assistance, particularly in the rescue efforts, and its immediate need for food and medical provisions. With the nation's strategic reserves of these essentials running thin, the gravity of the unfolding humanitarian crisis underscores the necessity for international aid and support.