Korean Ambassador to Egypt Kim Yonghyon visited Upper Egypt's governorates of Luxor on 18 Decemeber to explore possible avenues for cooperation between Korea and the governorate of Luxor.
During the meeting with Governor Mostafa Alham, Ambassador Kim said he is pleased that many cooperation projects between Korea and Egypt are ongoing in Luxor and he will support the successful implementation of the projects.
The ambassador also suggested to enhance cooperation between Korea and Luxor in the area of culture, saying that Korean Culture Center in Cairo plans to increase its activities in Luxor.
Governor Alham said Luxor is appreciative of Korean government’s supports in many projects and expects more cooperation and investment from Korea.
On the occasion of his visit to Luxor, Ambassador Kim visited the sites of cooperation projects between Korea and Egypt in Luxor.
He visited Apnod train station, one of 14 train stations where Korea’s Hyundai Rotem company, in cooperation with Egypt’s Orascom, is conducting a project to modernize the railway signal system.
The Hyundai Rotem project, worth 110 million USD, will modernize railway signals in the 118 km Nag Hammadi-Luxor section in the upper Nile River, supplying signal system such as automatic train protection devices that controls the speed of a following train based on the location of the proceeding train, and an electronic interlocking system that controls a train's course using computers.
Ambassador Kim said that the project will significantly enhance the safety of the Egyptian railway system and expressed his hope that more Korean companies will participate in Egypt’s infrastructure projects.
Eng. Magdy Abdel Monsif, Vice Chairman for Projects, Egyptian National Railways, joined Ambassador’s visit to the site.
Ambassador Kim also visited Ramesseum, in Luxor, a mortuary temple of Pharaoh Ramses 2, where the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage of the Rep. of Korea and Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities will conduct a restoration project for the stabilization of the pylon.
The heritage Project of Luxor is funded by the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Rep. of Korea, estimated for a budget of 7.7 million USD from 2023 to 2027 (5 years). The main activities are the restoration of the Pylon of the Ramesseum, digital exhibition of the Luxor museum, and capacity-building programs.