Recently, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said, Ukraine has generally turned to direct threats to develop its own nuclear weapons. Zelensky announced plans to withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum, which prevented Ukraine from acquiring its own nuclear weapons.
In an article in Al-Ain News, Kadyrov continued: "At the same time, Ukraine has enough forces and means to make at least a so-called dirty bomb. In the event of the emergence of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the time for the missiles to reach Moscow will be only about 4 minutes."
He added: "With these factors that pose a threat to the strategic security of our country, the President of Russia not only made a completely natural and correct decision, but also made the only right decision to recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics and launch a special military operation to disarm and de-Nazify Ukraine."
The Chechen president emphasized: "The facts I mentioned about the development of biological weapons in Ukraine will pose a threat not only to Russia. It could have led to the Third World War, and the development of nuclear weapons. The use of biological weapons will affect the whole world, and Russia today does not protect the river not only the Donbass and its future, but also a global catastrophe on a global scale.
Notably, Kadyrov said he was proud to be a participant in an important and historic event, the announcement by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, of the special operation in Ukraine.
In an article in Al-Ain News, Kadyrov added that it marked the beginning of the end for the suffering of the civilian population in Donbass and that there were also people from the Chechen Republic, who, on a united front, declared their readiness to defend the motherland Russia.
“We have been watching the provocations of the Ukrainian leadership for a long time, and watched patiently, because Russians and Ukrainians are basically one people, but the voice of reason has not been heard,” Kadyrov continued.
He explained: “We insistently demanded the full implementation of the Minsk agreements, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with the smile of a professional clown, thoughtlessly declared his unwillingness to abide by the Minsk agreements, blatantly bypassing diplomacy.”
“France and Germany, who played the role of guarantor of these agreements, have abandoned their international obligations and given Kyiv the opportunity to act at its own discretion,” he added.
According to the Chechen president, the whole world also continued to watch how the United States and NATO were supplying the Ukrainian army with weapons to continue the war in Donbas and Luhansk, where people who did not want to be under the illegal field regime, were exposed every day for 8 years.