Johnson & Johnson, the giant drug maker, and health care products, said, Friday, that its vaccine, is administered in a single dose.
A statement of the company revealed that its effectiveness is estimated at 72 percent in the United States of America (USA) in preventing Covid-19 disease.
However, Paul Stoffels, Johnson & Johnson's chief scientific officer (CEO), said the level of prevention "is likely to protect hundreds of millions of people from the severe and fatal consequences of COVID-19."
But the effectiveness falls to 66 percent globally, as observed in a large trial conducted across three continents and against multiple strains of the deadly virus.
In the experiment conducted on 44,000 volunteers, the level of protection from moderate and severe Covid-19 was 66 percent in Latin America and only 57 percent in South Africa, where a strain of more concern than the emerging coronavirus is spreading.
These results are below the high level of protection recorded by two currently approved vaccines from Pfizer, Biontech, and Moderna Company, and large trials have shown that their success rate in preventing symptomatic disease reaches about 95 percent after two doses.
Nevertheless, these experiments were conducted in the USA mainly and before the widespread of the new strains that are currently focused on.
The main goal of the study on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was related to preventing moderate and severe infections, and it was proven that the vaccine is 85 percent effective in stopping acute disease and preventing hospital admission in different geographically and against numbers of strains within 28 days of vaccination.