The Iranian Parliament ( known as the Mijlis) has just approved to debate, next Saturday, a new law to open a virtual embassy in Jerusalem.
The newly drafted law was considered as a step to confront decisions taken by the Zionist government that threaten peace and regional and international security. The law includes 14 articles, which the Mijlis voted it anonymously as an emergency law.
All members voted in favor of it as no one abstained.
Mujtaba Dho El-Nour, head of Committee of the National Security and Foreign Policy at the Mijlis, said that the draft has a great importance so it was described as an emergency law.
The Mijlis will vote the articles of the law on Saturday to prevent the Zionist entity from exploiting the regional and international circumstances to hurt the national interests of Iran.
The law stresses that the historic land of Palestine belongs to its original population Muslims, Christians or Jews. It implies to a previous resolution of the Mijlis which recommends the Iranian government to deal with Jerusalem as eternal unified capital of Palestine.
The law suggests to the Iranian Foreign Ministry to prepare for opening a virtual embassy in Jerusalem within the next six months.
It is worthy mentioning that a group of Iranian lawmakers have revealed that they prepared a motion to be voted in the Mijlis to open a virtual embassy in occupied Jerusalem as the capital city of the state of Palestine.
The draft law will be presented for voting in an emergency sitting on Saturday.
Mohamed Ali Por Mukhtar, an Iranian lawmaker said that forty members in the Mijlis have signed the motion until Tuesday morning.
Mukhtar pointed out that the law draft prohibits any scientific, financial or trade dealing with the Israeli governments of its agencies.
He affirmed that the draft will be among other means to confront the Zionist state in occupied Palestine, adding that when the Mijlis passes law, the Ministry of Justice will announce new legal procedures bring Israeli leaders to justice for committing war crimes and deeds against human rights.
Since 1950 Israel has declared Jerusalem as her capital city and a house of all administrative and ministerial institutions along with the Knesset ( Israeli parliament) and the Supreme Court.
The Israeli phrased a strange term considering Jerusalem as a holy city for the other religions , Islam and Christianity.
The Iranian step comes as an indirect response to the USA decision to acknowledge Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel. Trump administration moved her embassy to the occupied holy city.