The Ministry of Health in Iran has announced 97 new deaths of the newly invading Coronavirus during the past 24 hours.
The virus was renamed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "COVID-19.
The Iranian ministry has issued a statement this afternoon said that the number of deaths due to the virus reached 611 cases. The death toll was at the level of 514 on Friday.
The new deaths are considered the largest in Iran since the start of the outbreak of the disease.
The statement added that the general outcome of the injured rose by 1365 cases to reach during the last day to the level of 12729, while the number of people recovered reached 4339 cases.
Iran is among the countries most affected by the emerging coronavirus "COVID-19" in the world alongside China, Italy and South Korea.
Local media in Iran have reported that a number of government officials have infected with this strain of the deadly virus, including two ministers.
Rumors traded via the social media websites claimed that Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani was infected with Coronavirus.
He held, on Saturday morning, two meetings with government officials on measures to combat the outbreak in his country.
Rouhani chaired a meeting with members of the government, his office, and his advisers on measures to combat the emerging "Coronavirus" COVID-19 in Iran.
During those meetings, the Iranian president was the only person who did not put a medical mask.
Some observers said that the rest of the officials sought to ensure that Rouhani was protected from the possibility of contracting the virus.
Rouhani considered that the primary duty of the authorities now is to spread calm and reassurance in the community by informing people in a timely manner of accurate and frank news about the Coronavirus.
He also considered that no country in the world is able to combat the Corona virus-like Iran in light of the US sanctions and the maximum pressure it is exposed to.
He added that the US sanctions left dire repercussions on the humanitarian situation and hindered efforts to combat the spread of the Coronavirus in Iran.