Media reports revealed that the iconic Al Nejashi mosque, located in Tigray, Ethiopia, has been affected by the military confrontation that took place in the Tigray region last November.
Video footages of the venue were circulated on social media, showing severe damage to the complex which includes the Najashi shrine and mosque.
The Ethiopian army took control of the Negus region on November 28, following the military operation it launched against the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front.
The Negus Tomb complex occupies an important position in the Islamic world, as it also contains 15 tombs of the first immigrants in Islam to Habasha (land of Ethiopia).
Worth noting that the Al-Nejashi Mosque, built in the 7th Century in Ethiopia, was named after a Christian monarch who saved Muslim refugees. He he gave shelter to the refugees which included relatives of Prophets Muhammed (SAW) at the time they really needed help.
According to Africa Fact Zone, refugees had just escaped from great persecution in Mecca. The monarch did not betray them and he later became a close friend of the Prophet.