''I want a bike” a campaign which has been launched by Kurdish ''Media Ghanem'', who invited the girls to drive their bike in Syria, according to Sky News report, on Friday.
Ghanem, 28, is a journalist and works as a reporter for a local newspaper in her city. She seeks to spread a healthy societal culture and leave wrong habits and ideas away, by roaming on her bicycle to workplace and taking care of her family needs.
Women’s Initiative in Syria to Break Old Habits
Ghanem told Sky News Arabia, that the initiative idea flashed in her mind about two months ago, when a friend asked her to teach her to ride a bike, and her initiative got admiration of many girls, journalists and activists, In addition to the great support that she was touched by friends and fellow journalists who supported her.
Meanwhile, Ghanem explained that this participation has created a great hope to break the social customs that rob women of their rights, and freedom. Moreover, the campaign’s first activities were to prepare for the first women’s bike marathon in the region over a period of 60 days, according to Ghanem.
She formed her team which includes 25 of women to the Cycling Championship, sponsored by the Sports Federation and the Municipalities and Environment Authority, on the Jan.16th, for a distance of 3 km.
"I Want Bike" .. Women’s Initiative in Syria
In addition, the Sports Federation provided training bicycles for the winners of the marathon, which started in front of the Darbasiyah roundabout and ended at the Free Women Square in the center of Amouda.
She added that her team, which she headed, began to be formed with two women and then their numbers increased continuously, indicating their willingness to organize other women’s competitions within a few months in the cities of northern Syria, to promote this sport and enjoy the enthusiastic atmosphere.