Dr.Khaled Abd El Ghaffar, Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister, opened the annual conference of Medicine Faculty at Cairo University titled "Medicine Future Forming : Practice and Professionalism towards Egypt Vision 2030".
The event was attended Dr.Mohammed Othman Al-Khosht, University Presiden, Hala Salah El Din, medicine faculty dean, faculty agents, group of professors, scientists and experts.
Abd El-Ghaffar referred that El kasr alani is a platform for education and scientific research. It's a noble message in Egypt, Arab world and Africa; it will provide educational, training and research services for thousands students and young doctors from Egypt, expatriates from Arab and African countries.
He praised the efforts made by the medical sciences sector over two years to develop medical education. Also, he mentioned the executive regulations completion of the medical education system (5 + 2), changing the practicing medicine law and university hospitals law.
Meanwhile, El-Khosht explained that the conference addressed a number of topics, including training, practice, scientific research and the hospitals development. He confirmed that the Cairo University puts priorities in the university hospitals development.
On other hand, Dr. El Din reported that the conference vision suits the state future outlook in terms of education and health. She added that the El kasr alani mission is to provide educational services for students and treatment for millions of patients in Egypt.