Frozen II, an upcoming animated movie, is set to hit theaters on November 22, 2019. The film is a sequel to 2013's Frozen, which became one of the most successful animated movies in Disney's history, gaining $1.2 billion at the worldwide Box office.
The American film, starring Kristen Bell, Evan Rachel Wood as, Sterling K. Brown, is directed by Chris Buck, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, and written by Jennifer Lee, and Allison Schroeder.
The official trailer of the movie was released in February with millions of views becoming one of the most watched film trailers ever. Disney does not provide further details about the plot of the film in its two-minute trailer.
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The Official Trailer
The official trailer of the movie was released in February with millions of views becoming one of the most watched film trailers ever. Disney does not provide further details about the plot of Frozen II in its official two-minute trailer.
The cast also includes Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Idina Menzel, and Santino Fontana. During the movie, Bell, Groff, and Gad are going far in the forest to learn the truth about an ancient mystery of their kingdom.
Here is how fans reacted to Frozen II on Twitter
The Walt Disney Company
The company, which is commonly known as Walt Disney or simply Disney, is a worldwide entertainment company. It was founded as a cartoon studio in 1923 by Walter Elias Disney.
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