The female-led film "Banat Sanawy" (High School Girls), will be streaming on Shahid starting from December 24, months after it was screened in the cinemas.
The film was released in theaters last January, but with the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and the closure of cinemas, its revenues were affected and achieved about EGP 8,000,000.
"Banat Sanawy" stars Jamila Awad, May Elghety, Hanady Mehanna, Huda ElMufti, Mayan El Sayed, Mohamed Mahran, Mohamed El Sharnouby, and others.
It is written by Ayman Salama and directed by Mahmoud Kamel.
The plot revolves around a group of high school girls who are exposed to teenage problems related to their families and their respective emotional relationships.
It is worth mentioning that the novel coronavirus, which was first reported in Wuhan, China, has infected more than 68,165,877 people and killed over 1,557,385 worldwide. It also hit a number of celebrities and top political figures around the world.
On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus a global pandemic as the new virus has rapidly spread to more than 800,000 people from Asia to the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.
Transmission of viruses between humans happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person’s secretions, such as droplets in a cough.
They can also be transmitted by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.