Fatah movement spokesman Abdel Fattah Dawla confirmed in exclusive statements to the English website Sada El Balad that the Fatah and Hamas movements are working to end the division and form a non-factional national consensus government.
He said that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
During the past few days, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced hosting talks between representatives of the Fatah and Hamas movements in order to promote Palestinian reconciliation. This initiative, sponsored by China, comes within previous initiatives adopted by several countries such as Russia, Egypt and Algeria to work to unify the Palestinian ranks and bring all Palestinian sects and factions to the table. To end the division and achieve Palestinian reconciliation.
He also said: We in the Fatah movement welcome any initiative and call that would restore national unity in the face of the grave challenges facing our cause and the future existence of our people. We all sincerely desire that there is a real will to make this a success, and under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.