A massive explosion hit Kabul on Sunday morning, killing Zia Wadan, an Afghan journalist who turned spokesman for the country's public protection force, along with his two colleagues, the interior ministry said in a statement.
“Zia Wadan and two of his colleagues were killed and another person was wounded,” the statement said. “It happened while Wadan was on his way to the office."
No group has claimed responsibility for the explosion; however, the Interior Ministry blamed the Taliban in the statement.
The explosion took place around 8:30am local time in the Kart-e-Naw area of PD8 in Kabul city.
Ministry of Interior spokesman Tariq Aryan said that the attack came as an unjustified terror acts, adding that the use of mines and explosives is a war crime.
Aryan affirmed that the Taliban are responsible for all these crimes, noting that the recently arrested terrorists have acknowledged their affiliation with them.
Another blast hit the Guzargah area, Kabul, two weeks ago, killing seven citizens, according to a number of Afghani media outlets.
The target appeared to be a mini-bus carrying civilian government employees of the census department.