By: Mohamed Wadie, Norhan Mahmoud
CAIRO, Mar. 25 (SEE)- The European Union Ambassador to Egypt Ivan Surkos announced the launch of a €120 millions EU4WATER’s campaign, to help Egypt tackle challenges in the water sector.
The main goal of the initiative is to uphold Egypt’s striving water sector to attain security and esure sustainable management.
EU4WATER’s deal is expected to be inked in the summer of 2019 and to be put into action later in this year, as per Surkos.
This came during Ambassador Surkos’s keynote speech during an event celebrating World Water Day at Qanater, Egypt, in the presence of a number of ministers and officials.
“Over the last 10 years, the European Union (EU) has endorsed Water projects worth $450 millions in Egypt,” said Surkos.
Cooperation in-between Egypt and the EU in the water and sewage sectors embraces various projects across 12 governorates, schemed to upgrade the lives of 15 million citizens, predominantly targeting the most needy.