Under the patronage of Entissar El Sisi, espouse of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Minister of Culture Enas Abdel Dayem announced the launch of the first edition of the State Award for Young Creators.
[caption id="attachment_116319" align="aligncenter" width="628"]
Egypt's First Lady, Entissar El Sisi[/caption]
Hesham Azmy, Secretary of the Supreme Council for Culture announced on Sunday the branches, financial value and age group of the Young Creator Award, as follows:
1- The first age group
From the age of 5 to 12 years old, and the financial value of each branch is 40 thousand pounds.
Culture Domain:
[caption id="attachment_178481" align="aligncenter" width="662"] Egypt's First Lady, Entissar El Sisi[/caption]
Arts Domain
The chord line includes the following instruments:
Singing Domain
A video of the singer is prepared by performing two traditional and a third song chosen by the contestant not exceeding 4 minutes, clear lighting and a stable picture, and appears (standing), and the sound is taken directly during filming without any effects.
Creativity and Innovation… Applications and websites branch:
A computer application, a mobile phone, or a website to simplify science, explain part of the school curriculum, or to raise awareness of the novel coronavirus pandemic, or in one of the fields of culture and arts and to introduce them, or a tourist or archaeological landmark, or an electronic game.
[caption id="attachment_177999" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Egypt's First Lady, Entissar El Sisi[/caption]
Scientific Innovations Domain:
Innovation to simplify science or to assist in following up precautionary measures to combat coronavirus or in one of the cultural or artistic fields.
2- The second age group:
For those over the age of 12 to 18 years old, the financial value of each branch is 40 thousand pounds.
Culture Domain
Arts Domain
Singing Domain
A video of the singer is prepared by performing two traditional and a third song chosen by the contestant not exceeding 4 minutes, clear lighting and a stable picture, and appears (standing), and the sound is taken directly during filming without any effects.
[caption id="attachment_136025" align="aligncenter" width="570"] Entissar El-Sisi[/caption]
The field of creativity and innovation:
Applications and Websites:
A computer application, mobile phone, or an advanced website that would preferably include a database to simplify the science, explain school curricula, or in the fields of culture and arts, introduce tourist attractions or archaeological sites, or solve a problem with the possibility of communicating with users through the Internet that includes the use of multimedia without Less than 20 files, indicating the development tools and the type of database used.
Scientific Innovations
Innovation in one of the fields of simplifying science, saving energy, or contributing to addressing societal problems such as water desalination problems, new and renewable energy, or to prevent the Coronavirus, one of the Internet of things applications, or in the fields of culture and arts.
[caption id="attachment_164872" align="aligncenter" width="752"] First Lady Entissar El-Sisi[/caption]