Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, asked members of Parliament not to accompany any escorts or delegates during the days of the plenary sessions, exceptionally and temporarily, except for the MPs with disabilities.
This comes within the framework of the strict preventive measures taken by the House of Representatives to counter the spread of the new Coronavirus, in order to preserve the health and safety of everyone inside the parliament.
Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi explained that with regard to the drivers accompanying the MPs, “please alert them not to leave the car as much as possible for the duration of their stay in the parliament, as their movement between the halls and roads of the council will be prohibited.
Fawzi stressed that this request comes first in order to preserve the rules of social separation and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, and in order to maintain public health and safety.
It is worth mentioning that the country has tightened curbs on social interactions to try to contain the coronavirus outbreak, banning public gatherings of more than two people.
The measures included the closure of hair, beauty and massage facilities. Other non-essential shops had already been shut down.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus a global pandemic as the new virus has rapidly spread to more than 121,000 people from Asia to the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.
More cases of the virus, which causes respiratory disease COVID-19, continue to emerge, with outbreaks in South Korea, Italy, and Iran.
People across the globe partake in self-isolation for 14 days as an effective precautionary measure to protect those around them and themselves from contracting COVID-19.
Transmission of virus between humans happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person’s secretions, such as droplets in a cough.
It can also be transmitted by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.