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Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Egyptian-Russia Friendship Association Honors High Dam Builders

Wed 22 May 2024 | 03:17 PM
Pasant Elzaitony

The Association of High Dam Builders, in collaboration with the Russian Cultural Center in Cairo and under the auspices of the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association, celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Nile River diversion during the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

The event was attended by notable figures, including Engineer Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser, son of the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser who championed the project, marking it as one of the most significant engineering feats of the 20th century.

Other distinguished guests included Dr. Ibrahim Kamel, President of the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association, Engineer Sabry El Ashmawy, President of the High Dam Builders Association, Denis Pronikov representing Murad Gatin, the Director of Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, Dr. Fathy Toghan, Secretary General of the Association of Graduates of Russian and Soviet Universities, journalist Mohamed El Shafie, and Dr. Magda Shorba, member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs.

The celebration was moderated by Sherif Gad, Secretary General of the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association.

In his address, Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser highlighted the High Dam project as a national endeavor that united the political leadership and the Egyptian people, achieving a monumental dream. He congratulated the builders on the 60th anniversary of this historic achievement.

Kamel expressed the nation's gratitude to the High Dam builders, acknowledging their efforts that significantly advanced Egypt's economic standing. El Ashmawy emphasized the crucial role of the Russian partner who supported Egypt during the construction phase and shared in the joy of the accomplishment.

Gad noted the enduring public interest in the May anniversary of the river diversion, the January anniversary of the foundation stone laying, and the completion of the High Dam project, reflecting its significance to the Egyptian people.

The celebration included the honoring of the High Dam builders with the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association's shield.

The event also paid tribute to several deceased builders, with their descendants in attendance. The evening concluded with a performance by the Russian House Choir, led by Luiza Bledzhiyanets, featuring a selection of popular Russian and Arabic songs.

Contributed by Israa Farhan