In celebration of World Tourism Day, the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association, in collaboration with the Russian Cultural Center in Cairo, will host a roundtable discussion titled “
“Egypt-Russia Tourism Cooperation: A Model."
The event will take place on Sunday, September 29th, at 7 PM at the Russian Cultural Center in Cairo.
The discussion will feature prominent speakers, including Sayed Noufal, the former tourism advisor in Moscow, and tourism expert Major General Samir Mohamed Ali.
Tourism advisor Sayed Noufal & tourism expert Major General Samir Mohamed Ali
The session will be moderated by Sherif Gad, Secretary-General of the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association.
Ibrahim Kamel, President of the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Association, announced that the event is part of a broader program of activities, incorporating ideas and suggestions from members.
He emphasized that the association is open to all initiatives and proposals, whether from members or external contributors.
Murad Gatin, Director of Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, expressed his enthusiasm for the association’s activities, highlighting the importance of increased cooperation between Egypt and Russia in the tourism sector.
Gatin stated that he expects significant contributions from the association’s members and looks forward to expanding collaboration between the two countries.
Sherif Gad further explained that the roundtable will provide an opportunity to delve into the unique history of Egypt-Russia tourism cooperation.
The event will showcase the expertise of Major General Samir Mohamed Ali, along with insights from Noufal, who played a pivotal role as the tourism advisor in Moscow in fostering this collaboration.
The discussion will also explore the behind-the-scenes efforts that helped establish the foundation for Russian tourism to Egypt, a key contributor to Egypt's tourism industry today.
Contribute by Israa Farhan