The judicial authorities in Tripoli, Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt conducted, on Thursday, negotiations regarding the receipt of ISIS women who were arrested in Libya.
The Algerian authorities agreed to receive the accused, with regard to certain legal measures.
Some of these detainees ended their sentences in prisons in western Libya. Nonetheless, some countries have previously refused to receive women accused of belonging to ISIS, amid popular rejection in some of these countries for their return.
Egypt and other Arab countries arrested several women from ISIS, including Iraq, Morocco and Syria; however, the largest number of ISIS women was concentrated in Syria, where the organization used to control large areas before its elimination.
Moreover, with the increasing pressure on the extremist organization, ISIS began to push women to the front lines to carry out suicidal missions, which constitutes a new turning point in the movements of terrorists.
While women's roles in ISIS were previously restricted to sub-tasks away from the battlefields, this policy has changed due to losing more territory in Iraq, Syria and Libya in recent times.