Head of Egypt's Football Association's medical committee Mohamed Sultan revealed on Saturday the latest updates concerning Liverpool's Mohamed Salah health condition after he has contracted Coronavirus on Friday.
Sultan said in statements to Yallakora that Salah was subject to a thorough medical examination and a PCR test, and it was confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19.
"Salah's condition is very reassuring, as he is under constant medical observation and is receiving the appropriate treatment protocol, and he has not shown any symptoms of the common symptoms of Corona, but he needs nothing more than rest and being in an isolation room only." he added.
Sultan refused to disclose the nature of the treatment protocol that Salah is subject to.
He added that the head of the scientific committee for combating Corona at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Hosam Hosni, is following up Salah's health condition and visited him today at the residence hotel.
He also pointed out that all team members were tested for Corona, and the results were negative for all players and technical, administrative staff.