Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the official title for Dragon Ball Super Movie 2, is set to premiere sometime in 2022, a recent Comic-Con panel revealed on Friday.
The series creator Akio Iyoku stated, during the Dragon Ball Special Panel, that the decision to add to "supers" in the title was to "emphasize that this movie is about the superhero vibes."
“Just like the previous movie, I’m heavily leading the story and dialogue production for another amazing film," Akio explained. "I really shouldn’t talk too much about the plot yet, but be prepared for some extreme and entertaining bouts, which may feature an unexpected character."
"We’ll be charting through some unexplored territory in terms of the visual aesthetics to give the audience an amazing ride, so I hope everybody will look forward to the new movie!”
The film will serve as a continuation of Dragon Ball Super, which had an anime series that stopped producing new episodes in 2018.
Moreover, the panelists noted that the film will also include some new designs of several characters from the franchise as well as a brief teaser that shows off a new animation style.
"I won't get into details today, but you'll notice if you watch many times," producer Hayashida said during the panel.
News that another Dragon Ball Super movie comes is no surprise, as we already knew a new film was in the works as early as 2019. However, fans went crazy on social media, screaming their lungs from happiness and excitement. They cannot wait for the movie.