The Doomsday Clock was set at 100 seconds to midnight a few minutes ago. This forms a sign of threat to humanity which is not far from doomsday or armageddon.
During the annual Doomsday Clock conference, The Bulletin's experts have unveiled their 2021 update after a year of COVID-19, civil conflicts, and rising military unrest.
Last year, it was set to just 100 seconds to midnight and the clock remains at this time in 2021.
"Humanity continues to suffer as the Covid-19 pandemic spreads around the world. In 2020 alone, this novel disease killed 1.7 million people and sickened at least 70 million more," The Bulletin revealed.
Bulletin's CEO and President Dr. Rachel Bronson said "It continues to hover dangerously.".
The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation of how humanity pushed the planet to the brink of destruction.
The closer the clock's minute hand is to midnight, the closer scientists fear we have come to the end of civilization.
The clock was established in 1947, two years after the end of WW II.