Rumors have been circulating on the social media networks over the past few hours stating that Egyptian actress, Yasmin Abdelaziz and her husband actor Ahmed Elawady got porced following strong differences.
Elawady denied Monday on Facebook, stating: "Really, I've learned the news from here,".
Elawady opened up about his relationship with Abdelaziz in an interview on prominent TV host, Mona El-Shazly's program “Makom Mona El-Shazly” broadcast on “CBC” Channel, on September 17.
He stated that they met after he got nominated for the 2019 TV series “Lakher Nafas”.
Elawady and Abdelaziz's relationship developed like any normal relationship, acquaintance, admiration, love, and then marriage.
He noted that they did not get married in May, when they declared their marriage, and were already married since January, at the time of her birthday.