During the year 2020-2021, the Egyptian armed forces carried out 52 joint training, 17 of them were during 2020, 35 joint training in 2021.
The most recent maneuvers include the Egyptian-Greek air training in one of the Greek air bases, the Egyptian-Russian training (The Protectors of Friendship) and the Egyptian-Sudanese training (Guardian of the South-1).
This comes within the framework of the growing relations of partnership and military cooperation between the Egyptian Army and friendly countries, according to Military Spokesman Colonel Gharib Abdel Hafiz.
"The Army and the police are Egypt's Security Wings," he said.
"These maneuvers reflect the keenness of friendly countries to participate in such exercises on the one hand, and confidence in the preventive measures taken by the Egyptian army against the novel corona pandemic on the other hand," Abdel Hafiz said.
The most recent significant joint maneuver was the Bright Star 2021 training which was implemented during the period from 2-17 September 2021.
21 countries and more than 4700 fighters took part, showing the extent of combat competence and experience of the Egyptian fighter, especially in unifying the implementation of tasks and confronting one enemy despite the difference in language, combat doctrine and armament.
In the field of armament, the armed forces was keen to develop and modernize the naval forces, increase their ability to secure the maritime domain on the shores of the Mediterranean and Red Sea, offer the latest weapons and naval equipment in the world, and establish a number of military bases.
Therefore, the naval forces' capability to prevent infiltration and smuggling across the Egyptian coasts were maximized. They have boosted search and rescue missions, prevent illegal immigration and secure the state's vital objectives and economic gains.
"The Egyptian army is keen to implement a comprehensive strategy to develop and modernize all major branches and keep pace with the rapid development in systems and methods of combat and persify the sources of armament," Abdel Hafiz stressed.
"The Egyptian armed forces is enable to carry out all tasks under various circumstances on all strategic directions."
The military spokesman reaffirmed that the Egyptian military has been developing fighters as the main pillar for the success of the development and modernization strategy in the armed forces.
"All of the above development ensures that the armed forces possess a deterrent force," Abdel Hafiz asserted.