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Congo Expresses Interest in Joining BRICS

Fri 28 Jun 2024 | 03:43 PM
Israa Farhan

President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo has signaled his country's eagerness to join BRICS during his visit to Russia this week.

The African leader, who met with President Vladimir Putin, emphasized Congo's intent to forge closer ties with the bloc.

In an interview with Russian media, Sassou Nguesso highlighted Congo's interest in exploring opportunities within the BRICS framework, including the BRICS+ format. He remarked, "If these avenues are open, Congo would be interested."

BRICS, established in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with South Africa joining in 2011, currently sees Russia holding the BRICS chairmanship. The group recently expanded its membership to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates this year.

During his visit, President Sassou Nguesso was awarded the Russian Order of Honor for his significant role in enhancing bilateral relations.

Russian President Putin acknowledged Sassou Nguesso's efforts, noting their collaboration in various sectors following Congo's participation in Russia-Africa summits.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Republic of the Congo.

Sassou Nguesso's itinerary also includes a visit to St. Petersburg, where he will engage in meetings with local officials, underscoring the comprehensive nature of his visit to Russia.

Earlier in June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Congo, focusing on discussions to bolster economic ties, energy projects, and military cooperation between the two nations.