Some Citizens in the UK started setting cell towers on fire after a conspiracy theory linking the new coronavirus to 5G infrastructure has been circulating over social media platforms.
Meantime, several activists are worried about health effects of the 5G infrastructure, which uses cell towers to create high-frequency radio waves to provide service, citing studies linking high-frequency radio waves to cancer.
COVID-19, however, is a respiratory disease spread mainly from person-to-person through respiratory droplets but, can also be spread when a person touches an object, such as a cardboard box, that has been infected by another person.
But the 5G-COVID-19 conspiracy theory has led to more than 100 incidents in April alone, including 30 acts of vandalism and arson, as well as 80 incidents of harassment toward police.
The conspiracy theory resulted in over 100 incidents in April alone, including acts of vandalism and harassment of police.
The theory that 5G radio waves are diminishing human bodies and making them more susceptible to COVID-19 spread on social media apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and YouTube, as well as through celebrities like John Cusack and Woody Harrelson.
Several concerns were raised that 5G waves reduce human anti-bodies, making people more vulnerable to COVID-19.
National Medical Director Stephen Powis described the theory, during a press conference, as "complete garbage".