Apple electric car is expected releasing in of 2021, according to Taiwan's Economic Daily News report issued on Sunday. In contrast, many tech sources have claimed the Apple Car will be released between 2023 and 2025, including analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the report cites an unnamed director at a major Taiwanese manufacturer who said the firm is targeting a September 2021 launch.
According to report, the Taiwanese manufacturers are preparing to ramp up for production of "Apple Car" components as early as, the second quarter of next year, adding that the firm has been secretly testing dozens of prototype vehicles on the road in California.
In 2014, the firm began working on "Project Titan," with upwards of 1,000 employees working on developing an electric vehicle at a secret location near its Cupertino headquarters. Internal strife, leadership issues, and other problems impacted the car project. Therefor, the firm laid off hundreds of employees who were working on the project.
On other hand, in 2017, Apple has been granted a permit from the California DMV to test self-driving vehicles on public roads, and is testing its self-driving car software platform in several 2015 Lexus RX450h SUVs leased from Hertz. The SUVs have been spotted on the streets of Cupertino host of sensors and cameras.
In January 2019, Apple culled the Project Titan team once again and removed over 200 employees. The move is said to be part of a restructuring done under the leadership of Doug Field, but it's not yet clear how the hiring is impacting Apple's autonomous vehicle plans.