On Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in Moscow to discuss the issue unfolding in Afghanistan.
Despite the ongoing tension between the two leaders’ countries, Merkel and Putin, who has served as Russia’s president or prime minister since 2000, managed to maintain a line of communication over the recent years.
They will hold talks in order to resolve the Afghanistan issue, which represents a global threat, and combating its devastating effects is a matter of urgency for Governments, international organizations, civil society, the UN, and, in fact, every human.
For both European countries, Afghanistan's issues under discussion are of utmost, crucial importance, according to international reports.
Moreover, the two leaders will discuss the issues of a gas pipeline between Russia and Germany opposed by the United States, the repression of dissent in Belarus, and allegations that the Belarusian government has channeled migrants into Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland with the aim of destabilizing the European Union.