On Saturday morning, more updates regarding celebrated actor, and TV presenter Amir Karara's health condition were revealed. Karara expressed that he had a second COVID-19 PSR test and he tested positive.
Karara asked everyone who contacted him to take care. In the same context, Karara's brother, actor Ahmed Karara asked everyone to pray for Amir.
On the other hand, a number of rumors went viral before Karara's second COVID-19 test due to suspending shooting "Sahraneen" TV show that the actor presented a few days ago.
Ahmed Khairy, Karara's manager, indicated that Sahraneen episode shooting was suspended because the actor felt severe exhaustion after long hours of successive work.
He added that Karara had a COVID-19 test and he tested negative.
Also, Karara posted the result of the test on his Instagram to refute the rummors, before having a second PSR test that declared his "COVID-19" infection.
It is worthy to mention that the actor is taking part in "Nasl El Aghraab" series alongside preparing for the new season of "Sahraneen" episodes.