An American general has warned of the high risks of a break of war with China in 2025, most likely because of Taiwan.
"I hope I'm wrong, my intuition tells me that the United States of America (USA) will fight China in 2025," General Michael Minihan, of the US Air Force, wrote in an internal memo, the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity, to AFP.
General Minihan said that Chinese President Xi Jinping "has at the same time a team, a drive and an opportunity in 2025."
Minihan stressed that the Taiwanese elections in 2024 will give the Chinese leader "a reason" to act.
And he considered that the presidential race to reach the White House, which is scheduled for the same year, will also provide China with the opportunity to have a "distracted America."
In this memorandum, the American general calls on his forces to train for combat, especially by going to shooting ranges and shooting at specific targets and towards the "head".
In August, China conducted major military manoeuvres around Taiwan, in an unprecedented show of force, in response to a visit to the island by Nancy Pelosi, then Speaker of the US House of Representatives.