World No Tobacco Day is a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative that takes place on May 31.
The initiative promote healthy living and protect future generations.
According to WHO, the environmental impact of tobacco is extensive with a high carbon footprint, toxic chemicals, litter, and use of water and farmland, often in countries where the production of food would provide more benefit than the growth of this deadly plant.
Also, WHO data shows that the tobacco industry costs “more than 8 million human lives, 600 million trees, 200 000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of water and 84 million tonnes of CO2” annually.
In 1987, the Member States of the World Health Organization devoted World No Tobacco Day to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes.
The day aims to raise awareness among the public on the dangers of using tobacco, and the unethical business practices of tobacco companies.
This year, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA40.38, calling for 7 April 1988 to be a "World No-smoking Day."
A year later, Resolution WHA42.19 was passed, calling for the celebration of World No Tobacco Day, every year on 31 May.