Clarivate Analytics list is including for the 1st time, an American Arab woman of Lebanese origins, as a potential candidate for the Medicine Nobel Prize 2020. She is Dr. Hoda Al Zoghbi, a molecular and human genetics professor at Baylor Medicine College in Houston.
Dr. Al-Zoghbi honored in many international forums, as she gained the "Brain Award" for 2020, the "Victor A. McCosick" Award from the Genetics American Society last year, and the "Ross" Prize in Molecular Medicine in 2018.
In addition, she received the "Breakthrough" award in the life sciences in 2017, the Canada Gerdner International Prize, as well as more than 40 prestigious international awards.
In 1990s, Al-Zoghbi was able to identify the "gene" responsible for Rett syndrome, she and her research team are still working to uncover everything related to the disease.
This discovery provided the diagnosis and helped us better understand the disease etiology so that we could discover new and effective treatments, Al-Zoghbi added
According to Mayo Clinic Medical Center, ''Rett syndrome'' is a rare genetic neurological disorder that affects the brain developing way , leading to a gradual loss of motor and speech skills as well as affecting children, especially girls.
On other hand, Al-Zoghbi expained that we will have the ability to modify genes safely, using gene editing techniques, but we need to provide more research in order to increase safety and accuracy.
She advised youth researchers to have faith and confidence in their abilities , as well as their self-efficacy. In addition increasing scientific research and constant knowledge of modern science.
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