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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Al-Azhar Grand Imam: Stop ‎Aggression on Gaza, Lebanon

Mon 14 Oct 2024 | 09:53 AM
Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar receives Professor Jeffrey Sachs
Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar receives Professor Jeffrey Sachs
Mohamed Mandour

Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar receives Professor Jeffrey Sachs a professor at ‎Columbia University and the head of the United Nations ‎Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The Grand Imam stated that one of the most prominent ‎contemporary global challenges is how to pass the voice of ‎religious scholars, philosophers, and wise men to global ‎decision-makers who are causing havoc on humanity and ‎leading the world towards more killing, violence, hatred, and ‎chaos, endangering the lives of innocent children, women, and ‎men.

He declared, "I am astonished that there is no state or ‎power capable of standing against the malicious Zionist ‎schemes targeting the killing of Palestinians, expanding ‎conflicts, and turning the region, if not the entire world, into a ‎hotbed of wars and conflicts."‎

During his meeting with Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at ‎Columbia University and the head of the United Nations ‎Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Grand ‎Imam condemned the US Democratic and Republican parties, ‎who disagree on almost everything except, for their absolute ‎and unlimited support for the Zionist entity and their ‎commitment to defending it, falsely and deceitfully. He ‎asserted that he could only interpret this as undisclosed ‎American Israeli interests. He added, "I feel that the Zionist ‎entity has mobilized all its efforts to have an American ‎president loyal to Israel, allowing it to do whatever it wants ‎without humanitarian or moral restraints."‎

Professor Jeffrey Sachs emphasized the need for balanced and ‎wise voices among philosophers, religious scholars, Arab ‎institutions, and Islamic organizations to unite and stand ‎against the United States, demanding it stop exporting ‎weapons to Israel, cease using the veto against the immediate ‎halt of aggression on Gaza, and put an end to the unlimited ‎support provided by the American administration to Israel. He ‎pointed out that the American administration's stance does ‎not represent the American people, but rather contradicts their ‎stance entirely. The American people have a correct ‎perspective and want to stop the aggression, but the problem ‎lies with the political leaders.‎

Jeffrey Sachs asserted that religious extremism has reached its ‎peak in Israel, with officials sanctifying and necessitating the ‎continuation of aggression by highlighting religious texts that ‎call for invasion, destruction, and the killing of innocent ‎women, children, and men. He affirmed that the political ‎leadership in the Zionist entity does not want peace, does not ‎consider any peaceful solutions, and does not respect ‎international resolutions that guarantee the rights of ‎Palestinians to establish their independent state. Settlers ‎believe only what is presented to them by Zionist media, ‎which portrays the actions of Zionist officials as right and just. ‎He also stated, "The dilemma does not lie in Israel; Israel ‎cannot continue its aggression for one day without the ‎support of the United States. If the United States indicated to ‎Israel to stop, it would stop, but we do not have an American ‎president who genuinely wants this entity to stop, unlike what ‎we had in the past."‎

Professor Jeffrey Sachs proposed holding a meeting involving ‎philosophers and religious leaders, with the participation of ‎representatives from Al-Azhar, to study feasible peaceful ‎solutions to stop the conflicts in the Middle East and issue a ‎joint statement followed by a global summit to formulate a ‎global vision in this regard. The Grand Imam welcomed this ‎proposal, affirming Al-Azhar's readiness to provide all forms ‎of support to ensure it comes out in the best possible way.‎