By: Ibrahim Eldeeb , Mai Shaheen
CAIRO, Feb 21 (SEE) - President of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezzat revealed plans of the university to include electronic curriculum. Speaking to 'SEE', he explained the role of the university in Africa, following the Egyptian Chairmanship to the African Union.
In the talk, he touched upon many issues, and here is the full interview:
The president of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezat
Q: Do you see electronic curriculum as ending the book role?
A: If we make a survey to students and professors, we will learn that the reliance on books is becoming very limited. The students, for instance, get information directly from professors.
Q: How can the institutions cope with the technological development adopted in education?
A: We are trying to cope, through electronic exams, started by students at faculties of medicine and engineering.
The president of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezat
Q: Why can't the university completely adopt electronic courses?
A: We had already achieved a significant step in the electronic courses, but still we can't replace the personal relationship between students and professors.
For example, when we were students, we learn, not only scientific materials, but also social and moral things, like how professors talk and wear. We learn how to act in different situations.
Q: Why is there no unified curriculum in Medical Colleges?
A: There is no unified curriculum in Medical Colleges, or what so-called courses. However, many certain references must exist in the curriculum and in the graduates' level, to be able to get the license to practice the profession.
Q: Do you expect certain colleges to close if the labor market does not need their graduates?
A: No, but the supreme council of universities decided to refrain from typical schools, and establish new, modern colleges. 30% of the current jobs in labor market will disappear in future.
Q: Moving to another issue, how the university contributed to '100 million health' initiative?
A: There are certain unit for detection and treatment located at faculty of Medicine, which had been prepared for the campaign. If there are cases with virus C, they will be treated for free.
Q: How the university supports cooperation with Africa, especially after Egypt got chairmanship of the African Union?
A: A private office was opened for foreign students to cooperate with the relevant office in the ministry. This cooperation only aims to qualify the foreign students who will be ambassadors for Egypt in different African countries.
Q: How many foreign students are there at Ain Shams University?
A: We have 5000 foreign students.
The president of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezat
Q: How will "Egypt's workers" initiative be implemented?
A: This matter was presented to the supreme council of universities. In my own opinion, Helwan University is the most prepared university to participate in the initiative. It has faculties like Applied and Fine Arts, while Ain Shams University has specific education colleges.
Q: How do you evaluate graduate studies and researches sector?
A: The new method that we follow is about how to use scientific researches to solve our daily life issues or to solve the researcher's society problems.
The president of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezat
Q: Why we are isolated from the outside?
A: No we are not, we participate in many conferences, meetings and scientific committees, that could be useful in solving problems.
Q: How can we overcome scientific plagiarism?
A: There are new methods to detect plagiarism. This is less of an issue, anyone caught with plagiarism, will be subjected to losing his scientific degree.
The president of Ain Shams University Abd El-Wahhab Ezat