Egyptian actor Ahmed El Fishawy, shared Thursday via Instagram, the teaser for his upcoming song "Number 2".
The animated footage featured El Fishawy driving an auto-rickshaw, also known as a tuk-tuk, and colliding with Egyptian actor Mohamed Ramadan's Ferrari.
It also showed a brawl for a crown between El Fishawy and Ramadan, who often called himself as number one and even sang about it.
The song caused a feud between the pair on social media, during the last period, about the meaning of No. 1 and No. 2.
Soon, comments poured on the post, with many fans affirming that Ramadan is number one and that El Fishawy's song will be successful for one reason, which was due to "Ramadan's fans insulting you in the comments".
In August, El Fishawy announced that he will be releasing new hip-hop music soon, after years of absence.
He shared the news on Instagram, and captioned: “Wait for the video, and for those who have been waiting, I’m returning to the hip-hop scene😉,”.
The 40-year-old actor had presented several songs from this genre such as ” Ana Esmy Eh”, “El Qerd Beytkalem”, and “Ekramy”.