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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Abou El-Enein Reflects on June 30 Revolution: A Testament to Egyptian Resilience

Sun 30 Jun 2024 | 11:53 PM

On the anniversary of the June 30 Revolution, the Deputy Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives (HoR) Mohamed Abou El-Enein highlighted the significance of this pivotal day in Egyptian history. He emphasized the resilience and patriotism of the Egyptian people, who rose to defend their nation, even at the cost of their lives. This anniversary marks the resolve of a great people who, when sensing danger to their homeland, are the first to stand up and defend every grain of its soil.

MP Abou El-Enein reflected on the circumstances and outcomes of the June 30 Revolution in a significant article published on his official page. He underscored the deep-seated patriotism inherent in every Egyptian, a force that has kept the country unified and strong throughout its remarkable history. This patriotism, according to him, has made Egypt a formidable nation, resilient against any tyranny or invasion.

"Today marks the anniversary of the June 30 Revolution, a day that holds in our hearts the essence of a people who rose to protect their homeland with their lives. This day revealed the true nature of our great nation. When Egyptians feel their country is in danger, they are the first to step forward, shout, and respond to the call, defending every inch of this land, even at the cost of their lives.

This innate strength, the unwavering belief that grows within every Egyptian throughout their lives, is priceless. It has kept this country united and powerful throughout its illustrious history, making its land the final resting place for all tyrants and a home for all conquerors.

The June 30 Revolution remains a beacon of the will of a great people against the forces of darkness, a day of pride, dignity, and defense of Egyptian identity. It is a day when Egyptians changed the fate of the region and halted the spread of chaos to our Arab nations, a day when the world stood in awe of the will and strength of the Egyptian people.

The challenges are significant, but the strength and will of the Egyptian people are greater. We must reflect on how the Egyptians defied the world on June 30, and how they imposed their will on everyone and overcame immense challenges. Great pain builds great nations, and Egypt is a great country with the strength and will of its people, its leader, and its army.

Egypt has faced tremendous challenges that many thought were insurmountable, but the resilience and determination of the Egyptians have always amazed everyone. Their will was stronger than the escalating crises and challenges in our world. Egypt is paying the price for its resilience and leadership in the face of international conflicts. Egypt endures the pains of resilience and the cost of imposing its free will against all global challenges. Egypt has never and will never submit to any external pressures or forces.

Together, we are capable of overcoming all difficulties. We can continue the journey of building and working because only the hands of its children will build Egypt. Egyptians stand behind their leader to face all challenges around us. We are on the brink of a new phase where the Egyptian people look forward to reaping the fruits of what has been achieved. Aspirations are rising with the new government's responsibility and the continuation of building the new republic. This phase requires us all to stand united behind Egypt's leader, to confront and solve our problems with work, awareness, and patriotism. We must preserve what has been achieved and face challenges victoriously. Our goal is one, and our aspirations are one - building a strong, free, modern Egypt with the strength and will of its people, leader, and army.

On the anniversary of June 30, we salute the souls of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Egypt and its people. You are the ones who deserve credit, and your place will always be in the heart of every Egyptian. We also salute the heroes of our armed forces and the brave Egyptian police who stood by the Egyptian people at a critical moment in the nation's history, a moment when Egyptians will triumph over all the forces of evil in our world. Every year, Egypt, its people, and its leader are blessed with goodness, progress, and prosperity."