In a devastating turn of events, an "exceptional" storm claimed the lives of four people in Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the United States by population.
The storm wreaked havoc, causing extensive property damage, widespread power outages, and the toppling of numerous trees, according to Mayor John Whitmire.
Mayor Whitmire confirmed the fatalities during an interview with local TV station Fox 26, stating, "Unfortunately, we have four fatalities."
He added that while the exact circumstances of these deaths are still unclear, they could be attributed to falling trees or people being trapped in their vehicles.
The storm inflicted severe damage on office buildings in downtown Houston, leaving over 800,000 households without electricity. Describing the storm as "exceptional," Whitmire emphasized the scale of the impact on the city.
Accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains, the storm resulted in power outages for thousands of homes and businesses across the Houston area.
City authorities have urged residents to stay indoors on Friday and avoid traveling on the roads due to widespread debris and damage.
Only essential personnel have been asked to report to work, as many downtown businesses will remain closed.
In response to the storm, schools in Houston, a city with a population of 2.4 million, will also be closed on Friday.
Local television broadcasts and social media posts showcased images of fallen trees, downed power lines, and shattered windows as the winds reached speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour (99 miles per hour).