Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) issued the "Annual Bulletin of Irrigation and Water Resource Statistics 2022".
It showcased a decrease in irrigation water amount for Agriculture, due to a decrease in crop area in Winter lug.
The most important statistical indicators are as follows:
The amount of water used for irrigation at Aswan Dam reached 44.9 billion cubic meters in 2022, versus 45.7 billion cubic meters in 2021, a decrease of 1.7%.
The amount of water used in irrigation at fields reached 37.1 billion cubic meters in 2022, versus 38.2 billion cubic meters in 2021, a decrease of 3 % due to a decrease in crop area in Winter lug by 7.6%.
Winter Lug used 11.1 billion cubic meters of water which is equivalent to 30.1 %, Summer lug used 22.2 billion cubic meters equivalent to 59.9%, Nile Lug used 0.4 billion cubic meters equivalent to 1.3%, fruit used 3.2 billion cubic meters, equivalent to 8.7% of amount of water used in irrigation.
The amount of irrigation well water used to irrigate crops in three lugs for crops and fruit, reached 25.7 thousand cubic meters/day in 2022, compared to 21.3 thousand cubic meters/day in 2021, an increase of 21.1%.