Storm "Henk" has unleashed chaos across several European countries, resulting in the tragic deaths of three individuals and putting Europe on high alert, as reported by the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.
The newspaper highlighted that three people lost their lives in the storm, which swept through Belgium, France, Renoo, Germany, and the Netherlands.
One of the victims was identified by local residents as a 75-year-old man who tragically fell in a village near the Dutch city of Eindhoven.
Additionally, a 59-year-old woman from Flanders was reported to have lost her life, and a 50-year-old man died in Britain when a tree fell on his car.
The newspaper further explained that Europe declared a state of alert at the beginning of the new year, with over 300 flood warnings reported in England and Wales.
Northern Germany has witnessed a significant rise in river and island water levels, experiencing severe flooding at the end of the past year.
Similarly, island nations' roads provided information on fallen trees and road closures, as well as coastal flooding facing the Mar del Norte.
The newspaper noted that aside from flooding, the storm also poses a threat of power outages, prompting the European Union to initiate assistance efforts.