Russia’s Deputy Minister for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster, Relief Pavel Baryshev announced on Saturday that 22 people were killed, 2500 others injured, while 13 others are still missing. The loss is due to the severe floods that swept through Irkutsk region in southern Siberia.
Baryshev said: ”Unfortunately, 22 people were killed , 410 were transferred to hospital, 2,165 received medical assistance and the fate of 13 people remains unknown."
More than 33,000 people were affected by floods caused by torrential rains that hit Irkutsk region late June, prompting the authorities to declare a state of emergency and start rescue operations.
Last week, Egypt expressed its sincere condolences for the victims of the floods, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
“Egypt wishes a speedy recovery to the injured, stressing its support for Russia at this critical stage,” the statement added.