Ericsson highlighted in its latest mobility report that 1 billion wireless subscribers worldwide will be connected to 5G by the end of 2022.
This milestone is still far behind the 4G that grew to nearly 5 billion subscribers this year. Ericsson predicts that 4G growth will peak at the end of 2022, with 5G racing in to replace the reigning connectivity standard. While faster speeds are on the way for many of us, we’ll probably have to pay more for it, too.
Ericsson noted that, of the carriers offering 5G globally, “there are 25% who charge a premium for 5G, over their 4G service, with an average price premium of around 40%.”
The telecom entity predicts that the trend of using speed to entice customers to upgrade continuing.
Regarding the speed tier approach, the company’s report highlighted: “This pricing strategy is gaining momentum, and now 24% of those with a 5G offering use it to segment the market and motivate consumers to move up to higher-priced tiers.”