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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Discover 2018’s Egyptian Archaeological Achievements

Fri 28 Dec 2018 | 01:57 PM
Norhan Mahmoud

By: Ali Abu Dashish and Maydaa Abo-ElNadar

CAIRO, Dec. 28 (SEE)- Ministry of Antiquities always cares about exploring new discoveries with the help of Egyptian and foreign archaeological missions. In 2018, the ministry revealed several cemeteries and started major projects to preserve Egypt’s ancient heritage. 

Here are the most distinguished discoveries during 2018:

1​) Discovery of Hetpet’s tomb at the Giza Pyramids.

2​) Families’ graves at Al Gharifa in Minya governorate.  

3​) A mummifying workshop southern Unas pyramid in Saqqara. 

4​) Sphinx statue and some paintings thanks to the underground water’s reduction project in the temple of KomOmbo.

5​) Three tombs that belong to the modern kingdom. These tombs were reused later as a cats’ cemetery. Another four tombs, which belong to the old kingdom, were also discovered. At Al Aasasif in Luxor the following monuments were found: a tomb; the entrance of the tomb number TT28; a painting and two tombs in front of the tomb number TT33. 

Moving to the most important restorations and openings, these were:

1​) Restoration of three archaeological buildings in Bab Al Wazir. 

2​) Prince Mami Al Siefi’s seat in Al Gammaliya.

3​) The open museum’s opening for the Mataria obelisk. 

4​) President El Sisi inaugurated Matrouh Archaeological Museum.

5​) Sidi Ali Zein Al Abidin’s shrine in Al Saida Zeinab. 

6​) Tal Basta Monuments’ Museum in Al Sharqia governorate and project for developing the archaeological site.

7​) El Sisi inaugurated the Al Azhar Mosque’s restoration project.  

8​) The southern part of the archaeological mosque SaadZaghloul in the city of Rashid. 

9​) Al Abasi Mosque in Port Said. 

10​) The President inaugurated Sohag National Museum. 

11​) Anga Hanem Mosque in Alexandria.

12​) Ttndy Mosque in Shali village at Siwa Oasis.

13​) New displays of the forgotten couple Yuya and Thuya on the Egyptian Museum 116’s anniversary. A model for the museum’s upper was prepared.   

Regarding the temporal archaeological exhibitions for Egyptian ambassadors abroad:  

1​) Temporal exhibition for Islamic monuments in Canada.  

2​) Submerged monuments in two states of the United States of America. 

3​) Some of Tutankhamen’s monuments at Los Angeles 

4​) Monuments’ copies at Italy. 

5​) Exposition titled “Ancient Egyptian’s Gold and Treasure” at the Principality of Monaco for two months.  

Regarding 2019 plan: 

1​) Opening a group of monumental mosques in cooperation with the Awqaf Ministry, and some monuments at Darb Al Ahmar. 

2​) Restoration and maintenance of monasteries in cooperation with the church, and finishing the project of Abu Mina’s monumental site.  

3​) Inauguration of Zoar Abidos Center and developing the general site. 

4​) Reducing the underground water at Al Ozirion, at KomOmbo, and at Koum Al Shokafa. 

5​) Opening three central halls for exposing royal mummies and the capital’s museum at the civilization museum.

6​) Djoser pyramid’s restoration.  

7​) Protecting and illumination’s project of the western bank in Luxor. 

8​) Restoration of Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue in Alexandria. 

9​) Opening a museum in partnership with private sector in Hurghada. 

10​) Inauguration of Tanta museum

11​) Inauguration of Royal vehicles’s museum  in Boulak

12​) Opening Prince Joseph Kamal palace in Nagee Hamady. 

13​) Inauguration of the first factory for monumental copies. 

14​) Opening El Gabalia kiosk at Mohamed Ali’s palace in Shobra. 

15​) Sharm El Sheikh museum (first stage)

16​) Kafr El Sheikh Museum.  

17​) Baron Empain Palace (tentatively(

18​) Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria (tentatively)

19​) Developing the pyramids’ zone: The project is almost done. A contract was signed with Orascom Investment Holding to provide and operate at the zone.